Vedic Astrology, Jyotish, (the science of Light) is the astrology of India. This is known as the 'eyes' of the Vedas and a sister science to Yoga and Ayurveda. This Light is meant to illuminate the path of the individual, providing insight into one's karma, strengths and weaknesses, personality, career, health, family and relationships. With this light we can see clearly and realize our Higher self therefore aligning with our true nature. At the time of your birth, when you took your first breath here on Earth the planets and stars were aligned in a unique composition that imprinted your soul. This is an incredibly designed map of your life; past, present and future.
This 5,000 year-old ancient science conveys Eastern mysticism, philosophies and understanding of the human spirit through the language of the stars. It weaves together psychology, astronomy, mathematics, science, spirituality, astrology, physics, geometry, numerology as well as the art of interpretation and skill of useful communication to the client.
Vedic Astrology uses the sidereal zodiac, is geocentric based and places great importance on the Moon. The Moon is our mind, consciousness and reflects our perception of the world. Because the sidereal system is used, and the precession of equinoxes is calculated, Vedic Astrology uses the literal and actual position of the planets relative to our place on Earth.
The Nakshatras, the lunar mansions, are the backdrop of the stars and have great symbolism. The nakshatras are the oldest known form of any astrology in the world. They are rich in meaning and steeped heavily in the ancient mythology of India.
The natal chart, which is the exact positions of the planets and stars at your moment of birth, is your unique blueprint. This shows the karmas imprinted on your soul. Of course, we always have free will, and Vedic Astrology can help shine a light, guiding your path for the choices you make that can serve to better align you. By studying in depth, the natal chart, current transits and the dasha cycle, profound insights can be gained and predictions made. Vedic Astrology can be a great life tool for everyone!
In a Natal chart analysis and consultation you will gain insight into your Vedic Rising sign, your birth star, your ruling planet and how the transits and great planetary cycles affect you!
Nancy began her fascination and in depth studies of Vedic Astrology in 2005. She has been reading charts since that time and has always woven them into her Ayurvedic consultations. She has connected with Jyotish masters in India and her main teachers are Dennis Flaherty of Northwest Vedic Sciences. and
world renowned Joni Patry of the Galactic Center.
She has also taken numerous classes with with Dr. David Frawley, James Kelleher, Komilla Sutton, James Braha, Dennis Harness, Dr Raj Balkaran, Ronnie Dreyer, Eve Mendoza and Mas Vidal. Nancy is co-founder of a 2 year long Medical Astrology global research project, assessing hundreds of charts in regards to physical and mental ailments.
This is a full and comprehensive reading to understanding your true self. Giving you deep insights into your personality, mind, career, family, health, finances and spirituality. If you are a new client, this is the reading for you! 1 Hr 15Min
Yearly Update Reading: $150
This is a look at current transits and what to expect in the year ahead.
(must have had a prior Full Natal Chart reading with me) 1 hour
Mini Astrology Reading: $108
This is a specific focus on 1 or possibly topics of concern. Prior Full Natal chart reading is a pre-requisite.
Please email [email protected] to book this appointment.
I recently received a Vedic reading from Nancy as a birthday present and I can honestly say it was one of the best presents I’ve ever received. I immediately felt comfortable and was completely blown away by the accuracy and guidance her reading offered. I cannot begin to articulate how powerful my experience with Nancy was and the peace that it gave me. If you’re looking to better understand yourself and seeking guidance for the future, I would highly recommend a Vedic reading from Nancy!!
-Hannah K.
"With great clarity and skill Nancy delivers an insightful reading. Providing a greater understanding of my life right now, in this moment, and further illuminating the path forward. Her insights being applicable to the spiritual, relational and practical aspects of life’s journey. Nancy is well studied in the science of Vedic Astrology as well as possessing an obvious love for the ancient art. It was such a joy to treat myself and my husband to a chart reading with her!"
-Susan B.
" For my birthday, I bought myself an astrology reading from Nancy. I was curious about going through my Saturn return and she gave me some really insightful information on this transit as well as some other major transits happening in my chart. She was spot on with some of her predictions on how these transits would be effecting me and the lessons being learned throughout this time in my life.
I would highly recommend getting a reading from Nancy, not just out of curiosity, but for a better understanding of yourself and your journey."
-Sara T.
If anyone is needing some guidance during these wild times, I HIGHLY recommend Nancy Ellis, for Vedic Astrology readings. Blew my mind and affirmed so much of what I have already sensed. I feel like I have clarity for next steps and timing of things to come. We did this totally remotely. She's amazing... knowledgeable, cool, passionate, down to Earth. Seriously, do it!
-Jen E. 🙏💜🙏
Vedic Astrology Natal Chart-Comprehensive Reading
To schedule your reading please email [email protected]
Please provide in the email your birth data: exact time, date and location.
If the birth time is not exact, please indicate so:)
Online scheduling is NOT available for Astrology at this time.
Approx. length of reading is 75min
Yearly Update Reading
This reading is for clients who have had a Full Natal chart reading previously. This will give you a yearly forecast and update on the star and planets trending through your personal birth chart and how that affects areas of life(career, health, finances, relationships, spirituality and more).
1 hour
Mini Astrological Reading
This reading is a specific focus on 1 or 2 topics of concern. A full Natal chart reading is a pre-requisite.
On Sale
On Sale
Dec 7th New Workshop! Vedic Astrology 1 Day Workshop Dec. 7th 2024
Astrology Daylong Intensive Class
Saturday December 7th, 2024
Learn the fundamentals of the ancient wisdom of Vedic Astrology!
Explore how the planets and stars aligned at your moment of birth to influence your life path and purpose. We dive into the nature of the planets, houses and signs, the importance of the Moon in your natal chart, why the eclipses are so powerful and the current trends of the planetary movement.
This full day workshop, will expand your knowledge of one of the most insightful sciences of Vedic culture from India.
This event is held in-person only.
Pre- registration is required as well as emailing Nancy your birth data: exact time, date and location.
Please contact Nancy if you have any questions. [email protected]
*Cancellation must be within 48 hours prior of class start date for a full refund amount less $15 for processing fees. Cancellation the day of, not refundable.
Location244 Spokane Ave. Ste 7
Whitefish, MT 59937 Contact Nancy |